Thrive Together
for A Bigger Impact

We collaborate to build innovative products that are accessible to all circles of society.


Meet Our Leaders

Over the past ten years, our leaders have been committed to manifest the company's mission of equal access to investment. Together, we aspire to create an accessible way to invest with creativity and technology for a better future through Stockbit and Bibit.

The Perks of #TumbuhBersama With Us

We help you reach your optimum potential by supporting you with these benefits.

Capital Market Sharing Session

We come up with the idea to enrich your knowledge about investment directly from our investment team.

Flexible Work Environment

We empower you to manage how and where you work to strive for productivity and achieve the team's goals.

Well-being and Counseling Program

We give you access to a free and safe workplace well-being and counseling service to help you find a way forward.

Self Development Program

We support your career growth as an individual and part of the team through self development program.

Health Benefits

We understand that you and your family's health matters, therefore we provide you with comprehensive health benefits.

Other Benefits

We also offer wedding and maternity allowances, reimbursement, payroll benefits, paid leave, and many more.

Lets Take a Peek Inside

Wondering what it looks like to work at our office? Let's take a virtual tour!